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About the Boulder Heights Hiking Club


Boulder Heights Hiking Club was formed in 2010 primarily as a way to provide legal access by the Boulder Heights community to the trails of Camp Paul Hummel private property.  Camp owners were aware of the interest in its trails by homeowners in the area, but concerned about the liability to the church should someone be injured on the property.  The Church wanted to ensure that anyone on the property was insured and had signed a waiver absolving the church of any liability for injury.  The Church also wanted to make sure that everyone on the property was aware and followed the rules regarding the use of the trails, and its restricted areas. The formation of the club was seen to be mutually beneficial in providing an avenue to make the trails accessible to community members and to enlist the members of the club in helping to monitor and reduce trespassing on the property.


The original agreement between the BHHC and the Church included a promise for the club to help financially support the Boulder Mountain Fire Protection District (BMFPD).  The Fire District bravely defended the Camp during the Four Mile Canyon Fire in 2010, stopping the fire along the southern boundary and saving all of the Camp buildings and most of its forest and in the process, preventing the fire from sweeping through Boulder Heights. Since that time, the club has donated over $20,000 to the District.


Bill Hedrick founded and managed the club and its members and paperwork for ten years before handing over the responsibilities to John Bauer in the spring of 2020.  John has a broader vision for the club that includes this website as a tool to facilitate new members and ensure that anyone hiking the property is an authorized club member.  John envisions that the club can be more active in its stewardship of the camp trails, as well as provide opportunities for members to socialize and share the hiking experiences together.

Long-time Boulder Heights resident Rich Zwiebel supports John’s “assistant coordinator” to help with managing the club’s activities and communications. Rich brings great insight and perspective about the community and was one of the original organizers of the club ten years ago.  Rich claims to know “every inch” of the camp property and is anxious to help introduce the club and camp to the neighbors.

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John Bauer
Club Coordinator

John Bauer took on the role of the BHHC Coordinator in 2020.  He's an avid hiker and loves exploring all the trails in the area.  As a BHHC member, he saw some opportunities for the club to be more active, and for members to connect and support Camp Paul Hummel and other hiking trails in our area.  Rich Zwiebel has signed on to also support the club’s efforts.

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